Boutique Techniques
Dianic Code -- Memoirs, (Auto)biography
I've discovered and invented a number of (auto)biographical techniques ideal for mapping out the subtle life rhythms that shape one's days and destinies. Chief among these is the Dianic Code -- this traces out the progressed and converse progressed lunations of your life ... based on the biblical proportion from the Book of Daniel -- a day is as a year in the sight of the Lord. Meaning: somehow the 11th day after (and before) your birth has a relationship to your 11th year. If there was a full moon on that 11th day, your
11th year will be sort of a culmination. The rhythm of new and full moons are roughly 14 days apart, so 14 days hence (or so) from the 11th day is the new moon which promises an important life initiation in your 25th year. ... the syncopation of the lunations before with those after birth establish the basic pulse of your life -- especially interesting are those years of eclipsed lunations ... powerful defining stages. Useful for structuring memoirs. $250 ... lifetime lunations and recorded 90 minute online consulation
11th year will be sort of a culmination. The rhythm of new and full moons are roughly 14 days apart, so 14 days hence (or so) from the 11th day is the new moon which promises an important life initiation in your 25th year. ... the syncopation of the lunations before with those after birth establish the basic pulse of your life -- especially interesting are those years of eclipsed lunations ... powerful defining stages. Useful for structuring memoirs. $250 ... lifetime lunations and recorded 90 minute online consulation
Cosmic Contact Schedule -- Increasing one's presence in creative work. Journaling
A schedule (minimum 4 months) of the lunar contacts to your natal sun, your natal moon, and your progressed moon. Integrating these times consciously into your creative life will increase your presence and give you the means to structure your time more productively. I can help you engage your energies with an online consultation incorporating a time of a personally significant cosmic passage. The transiting moon contacting the degree of your natal is good for emotional recharge as you assess the emotional impressions you've accrued through the cycle; when the transiting moon contact to your progressed moon which increases a degree per month tracks psychological development -- this a link to the technique described above, the Dianic Code. Progressed full moon epochs describe life culminations, career successes ... if you've got the "mo'" ... you want to know when it peaks, so you can submit your novel, chef d'oeuvre, plan your debut timely, rather than 3 months after that ship has sailed. $50/first 4 months, $10/each additional ... charting; consultation time generally $100/hour.