6 December -- 7:30 pm cst --
WINNING: Election 2012 Astrological Post Mortem

Enid Newberg & Joseph Crane
Enid Newberg, President of Kepler College and Joseph Crane, author and astrologer, are in charge of the forensics of the matter. The Posterior Analytics is the funniest thing Aristotle ever wrote. Dr. Newberg is familiar with the predictions prior to the election and will summarize the points the various astrologers have made both valid and wide of the mark, while Joseph Crane is comfortable with the Hellenistic methods currently popular and has his own predictions on record.
Enid Newberg, President of Kepler College and Joseph Crane, author and astrologer, are in charge of the forensics of the matter. The Posterior Analytics is the funniest thing Aristotle ever wrote. Dr. Newberg is familiar with the predictions prior to the election and will summarize the points the various astrologers have made both valid and wide of the mark, while Joseph Crane is comfortable with the Hellenistic methods currently popular and has his own predictions on record.
Stele 6, Bolon Yokte Kuh & the Transits of Mars, Sonja

The Mayan epigraphers aver that the Mayans made no apocalyptic predictions for the 2012 End of Days event, this is contradicted by the puzzling inscription at Tortuego which speaks of a warlike nine times empowered entity will descend from the Heavens concurrent with 13 Baktun (the solstice event). The epigraphers quibble about to which 13 Baktun occurrence does the prediction refer. Since the last 13 Baktun was some 5200 years ago, and the next at least 5200 years in the future, the one at hand seems to be self evident further valicated by transits of Mars through Capricorn (17November-December26) and Aquarius (December 26 through 17 November 2012 through 2 February 2013) a short 10 minute presentation about what lies ahead.