6 November -- 7:00 pm cst -- Watch the Returns

Sonja Foxe -- chief cook and battle watcher, card carrying Cook County voter, certified hard core political junkie, will be glued to media this evening in Chicago's 48th Ward (24th precinct)
Please join me on line -- bring your charts and wittiest arguments, will be recorded (gotomeeting platform) -- I want to know if Curtis M. voted for Obama (I voted libertarian and to retain a Judge Funderbunk). I'll log on when the polls close in Chicago ...
Postscript: No one but me showed up ... I expected the Merc retrograde to have a stronger effect (which it did, again as in 2008, in Florida, only) and potentially create gridlock on top of gridlock, but I was predicting worst possible scenario given the post election eclipses and transits of Mars with Obama eventually prevailing -- I am, of course, delighted that Obama won so decisively and so smartly -- the guys at UC's NORC were working overtime, slicing and dicing the demographics -- 2012 Election can be called The Preterition of Mitt Romney who assumed his election would validate the prophesies of his ancestor Joseph Smith. Romney is, no doubt, undergoing a real Crise de Fois. (Prompting my smartass comment -- yeah, chopped liver)
Please join me on line -- bring your charts and wittiest arguments, will be recorded (gotomeeting platform) -- I want to know if Curtis M. voted for Obama (I voted libertarian and to retain a Judge Funderbunk). I'll log on when the polls close in Chicago ...
Postscript: No one but me showed up ... I expected the Merc retrograde to have a stronger effect (which it did, again as in 2008, in Florida, only) and potentially create gridlock on top of gridlock, but I was predicting worst possible scenario given the post election eclipses and transits of Mars with Obama eventually prevailing -- I am, of course, delighted that Obama won so decisively and so smartly -- the guys at UC's NORC were working overtime, slicing and dicing the demographics -- 2012 Election can be called The Preterition of Mitt Romney who assumed his election would validate the prophesies of his ancestor Joseph Smith. Romney is, no doubt, undergoing a real Crise de Fois. (Prompting my smartass comment -- yeah, chopped liver)